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Amlesh Kanekar Feb, 2010

Subject:Twinkle Group Of Companies
Feedback :

I have met farmers in diverse villages of Maharashtra who work as agents of the Twinkle Group, mobilizing fixed deposits from the company. Funds are mobilized from within the villages - source being retirement funds, rehabilitation compensation from the govt. etc. The company seems to be giving 11% annual returns (triple in 9 years). If one factors in the agent's commission (I was told 14% of the principal), then the annual returns are 14%. Is there any active information about this group and its FD schemes? On the face of it one would be tempted to conclude that there is an element of pyramid schemes in this, but the conclusion, in the absence of facts would not be fair to the company. It would be interesting to know how this company can afford a high rate of return. Any data available on how many customer have successfully received these stated high rate payouts? Or, what % of the funds mobilized to this date have been successfully redeemed with the promised appreciation?



Hello Mr Kanekar,

Can we get more information on the Twinkle Group please?


-- Sucheta Dalal